Police Federation

Pension Trap

What is the Pension Trap?

The pension trap is where a person who joined at 20 years old and has worked 30 years can take 1987 pension at age 50 but not the 2015 CARE scheme because they are not aged 55.

A person who joined at 25 years old and worked 30 years can take both pensions as they have reached age 55. This is what is known as the pension trap.

October 2024

PFEW hopes to be able to update members in the coming weeks on the pension trap.

Autumn Budget

We have received numerous enquiries regarding what the Chancellor may or may not announce in her budget on 30 October 2024. PFEW, along with the other police staff associations, has written to the Chancellor expressing concerns regarding the rumoured change in commutation taxation.

There is no further information available and the press articles are no more than speculation at this stage.

June 2024

This has recently been discussed at the last National Council meeting and all options are continuing to be explored. 

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