Police Federation

Legal advice & assistance

The PFEW provides representation, in the form of legal assistance, to its members. The PFEW Claims department is responsible for processing and dealing with all criminal, misconduct, employment and civil applications for legal assistance that comply with the PFEW Fund Rules (which form part of our overall Federation Rules).

Claims are submitted to PFEW via local Federation Branch Boards and the large majority of employment claims are dealt with by our in-house legal team.

The Claims department processes in the region of 6,000 cases a year including dealing with the ongoing criminal trials, misconduct investigations and hearings, employment matters, civil actions, inquests, judicial reviews and any IOPC (Independent Office for Police Conduct) investigations that include death after police contact.

What is the PFEW application process for legal assistance funding?

The Legal advice and representation which we can provide for our members is outlined in our Fund Rules.

Each case differs but support is offered to those whose applications meet the standards of the funding criteria, in accordance with our Fund Rules.

Applications for legal assistance are considered carefully by the Federation and, where approved, are passed on to either internal or external lawyers, who are instructed to consider the merits of any case. Thereafter a decision can be made as to whether any further legal advice and representation at any proceedings can be provided.

In most of our claims, the following process applies:

1. A member will initiate the claim by contacting their local Federation office and/or Federation representative.
2. An assessment by the local Federation office will be carried out to ascertain if the claim fits within the PFEW Fund Rules and funding criteria.
3. If a positive assessment has been carried out by the local Federation office then they will help the member collate the documentation needed and assist in completing a funding application form. *
4. The Branch are then required to validate whether the member is a “subscribing member of the voluntary fund” i.e., a member who pays subscriptions to the PFEW. The Branch Secretary then assesses whether the claim complies with the requirements of the PFEW funding criteria and if they believe it does then the funding application is sent to the PFEW Claims department at Federation HQ in Leatherhead, for assessment and processing.
5. Once Federation HQ receives the claim a further funding assessment is carried out in respect of the criteria and Fund Rules.
6. Should funding be approved, solicitors are instructed.
7. Throughout the life of the claim the PFEW Claims department co-ordinates with all stakeholders, including the local Federation office. The local Federation office updates the acting Federation Representative and the member.
8. There can be exceptions to this process, if for example an injunction is required, and time is of the essence; however, the same decision-making process applies in terms of deciding whether or not to fund legal assistance.
9. Throughout the life of a claim, the funding of legal assistance will be kept under regular and ongoing review by the relevant personnel to assess whether the funding criteria continues to be satisfied.
10. The Federation has absolute discretion as to whether or not to fund legal advice and representation in relation to any matter.

* Members wishing to submit a Road Traffic Collision ONLY personal injury claim should call PFEW RTA Legal Assistance on 0808 1965 315 (or click on the link below)All other personal injury/clinical negligence claims should be directed through the local Branch, using the C1 form on CMS.


The following documents can be found on the CMS system:

C1 - Application for legal assistance - personal injury (revised December 2018) – For RTC’s (road traffic collision) personal injury claims ONLY please follow this link PFEW RTA Legal Assistance or call 0808 1965 315

C2 - Application for legal assistance (revised December 2018)

C4 – Appeal Form (revised December 2018)


The following documents can be found by clicking on the relevant hyperlink:

C3 - Application for legal assistance (revised December 2018)

MP1 - Medical/pension advice

Health and safety information sheet

Asbestos exposure questionnaire

Noise-induced hearing loss and tinnitus questionnaire

Police Federation national return of premium scheme

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