Police Federation


Target Fatigue banner image


What is Fatigue?


The Health and Safety Executive define fatigue the following way:

Fatigue is the physical and mental decline in performance ability, resulting from prolonged working hours, physical exertion and/or poor-quality sleep.

Fatigue is directly related to workload and directly impacts the ability to perform at work. 

Poor work/life balance, and poor rest and recovery periods between shift patterns can result in chronic fatigue. Chronic fatigue has also been associated with a number of long-term health problems.

Fatigued shift workers may perform less well than those working standard daytime hours, especially during periods of low alertness. The consequences of this could range from relatively minor events to serious accidents.
















Fatigue Printable Assets 

Do Not Disturb Sign For Door Handle 

Fatigue Poster 1

Fatigue Poster 2

Fatigue Poster 3

Healthy Eating To Support Shift Work

Nutrition and Fatigue

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