Received: 13 January 2025
I submit this request under the Freedom of Information Act for the follow information in respect to Humberside Police Federation Branch.
- Details of hotel stays of the branch Chair, Secretary and Discipline lead (CAPO) each financial year 2022/23, 2023/24 and 2024/25 to end of December 2024. Please list the date of the stay, reason, cost and if the stay was within Humberside Police area or outside of this area.
- Details of expenses claimed by the branch Chair, Secretary and Discipline lead (CAPO) each financial year 2022/23, 2023/24 and 2024/25 to end of December 2024. Please break this down by month including details of the claim eg travel, mileage, subsistence
- Details of any misconduct allegations made in respect to the branch Chair, Secretary and Discipline lead (CAPO) since 2021. Information broken down into number of separate allegations including nature eg heading not detail, and outcome.
- What was the cost paid by Humberside Police Federation for the bravery awards in 2023
Responded: 10 February 2025
1. Please refer to the attached Excel spreadsheet with the data. Click here
2. Please refer to the attached Excel spreadsheet with the data.
3. This represents third party data and Humberside Police Federation Branch do not collect this data, this is a matter for the Humberside Police Force. Should you wish to have this data, then we would recommend that you make a Freedom of Information request to them directly.
4. No monies were provided from Humberside Police Federation Branch to the National Bravery Awards in 2023.