Police Federation

FOI 00422 - PFEW HQ Christmas party


Received: 9 December 2024

1. What was the total amount of money spent on the event? Please include all internal cross budget charging and expenditure, including that which would be deemed “wooden dollars”, which is the vernacular used by the National Board

2. From which budget was this spent from? 

3. How much was spent by PFEW on catering for the event?

4. How much was spent by PFEW on alcohol for the event

5. How much was spent by PFEW on other items for the event


(a)         How many awards were presented?

(b)         Who were the recipients?

(c)         What were the categories.

(d)         How much did the awards themselves cost?

7. How many people attended the event? Please break this down to National Board, National Council, PFEW staff, contractors, consultants and non-PFEW personnel.

8. Did the attendees have to pay to attend or make any financial contribution? If so, for what and how much did they have to contribute?

9. Was any entertainment provided at the event? If so, please provide details and cost.

10. Please provide a copy of the menu for the event.



Responded: 24 December 2024

1. Approximately £2,015 broken down in to two payments as listed below.

2. This is not reported by finance as they do not recognise the internal income for Federation House or the cost to HQ.

3. £1,392 was cross charged from Fed House (£14.50 x 96 people).

4. £623.31 was cross charged from Fed House.

5. There is no way to itemise other expenditure, if any, being made in relation to the PFEW Christmas party.

6. (a) Three awards were given.

6. (b) This is the personal data of the awardees and as such we will not be sharing it under the relevant exemption Section 40 (1) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

6. (c) The Chair’s Award, the CEO’s Award and the National Secretary’s Award.

6. (d) The awards were reused from a previous year’s event. 2022 was the last time awards were given out. As such, no costs were incurred for the awards this year.

7. Ninety-six people attended. No register was collated to itemise whether they were employees, contractors, consultants or members of PFEW. As such we are not required to create this information in relation to this Freedom of Information request.

8. No. Attendees purchased their own drinks from the Federation House bar.

9. No external entertainment was provided for the event.

10. Christmas dinner (with vegetarian option available on request). Chocolate desert.







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