Received: 3 September 2024
1.Does the PFEW endorse Martis Media to manage Facebook pages on behalf of local offices?
2. Is there due diligence on the posts/information that is shared on those groups? ie company discounts, are these legitimate companies?
3.Does any contract with Martis Media include the need to ensure that Police Officers who sign up to the groups are aware that the group is not in fact private, is run by an external media company and that personal information should not be shared.
4. Does the PFEW also endorse unidentifiable profiles being a part of those groups under the management of Martis Media?
5. The instruction of a media company for National and Local Federation communication is funded by member subscriptions I believe, how much has this cost members nationally and locally?
Responded: 22 November 2024
1. The Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) HQ does not endorse Martis Media to manage Facebook pages on behalf of local offices?
2. PFEW HQ does not hold this information.
3. PFEW HQ does not hold this information.
4. The PFEW HQ does not endorse unidentifiable profiles being a part of those groups under the management of Martis Media
5. The PFEW engages with a number of professional communication advisors both nationally and locally. PFEW relies on Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 ("FOIA"). Namely that the disclosure of this information would be prejudicial to the commercial interests of the PFEW. This position is taken on the basis that: