Police Federation

FOI 00407 - Data Breach Legal Costs


Received: 28 August 2024

The Police Federation of England and Wales ("PFEW") have been represented by Osborne Clarke in defending the data breach claims relating to the cyber-attacks which occurred on 9 and 21 March 2019. 

The cost of the services provided by Osborne Clarke to the Police Federation of England and Wales and/or its branches in relation to these claims for the following years: 

- 2019 

- 2020 

- 2021 

- 2022 

- 2023 

- 2024 


Responded: 28 August 2024



The litigation in relation to these cyber incidents was initiated in 2021. 

For the purposes of providing context to this response, there are approximately 20,000 claimants in the litigation against the PFEW.  

Osborne Clarke’s fees in relation to the defence of the claims are as follows: 


2021: £40,157.55 

2022: £457,935.11 

2023: £502,106.91 

2024: £624,440.50* 


(all figures excl. VAT) 

*Please note the figure for 2024 includes fees incurred as at 30 September. 


The costs as at 10 September 2024, the date on which costs budgets were served and filed by both the Claimants and the PFEW, are lower than the incurred costs included in the Claimants' costs budget. 

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