Police Federation

FOI 00392 - Property ownership


Received: 31 October 2024

1. Who are PITCOMP 233 LIMITED (04120881) in relation to the PFEW 

2. What does PITCOMP 233 LIMITED stand for? 

3. What section of the community are the shareholders made up of, ie police officers/staff/general public or private investment? 

4. How many properties other than the HQ does PFEW own (Theresa May referenced property worth over 31 million being owned by the Fed in her speech? 

5. If PITCOMP 233 LIMITED is FED owned are there 232 similar companies in existence also owned by the FED? 

6. What positions if any do the directors hold within the FED or are they a separate entity to the FED? 

7. How much money does property provide the FED per year? (supplemented/clarified as: Please provide figures for him much money Fed owned property makes per year and how much net profit is made from Fed owned property). 

8. Where does property revenue feature in the published accounts - under what section so it can be easily found?


Responded: 24 May 2024

1. PITCOMP 233 Limited (the "Company") is a residents management company that relates to a development of flats on Highbury Drive, Leatherhead, adjacent to Federation House. The various owners of the flats in this development hold shares in the Company. The PFEW owns 11 flats in this development (the "Flats") and 11 shares in the Company (one for each flat) are held by trustees on behalf of the PFEW (listed as "Police Federation Trustees"). The PFEW is a director of the Company.  

2. The PFEW does not hold this information – it is it not known what PITCOMP 233 stands for. However, it is noted from Companies House that the company has not changed its name since incorporation and the original incorporation documents indicate that the Company was incorporated by Pitmans Solicitors and therefore PITCOMP may well be the abbreviation which the firm used for shelf companies which it set up.

3. As noted above, the shares in the Company are held by the owners of the various flats in the development (with the Police Federation Trustees holding 11 shares). The names of the other shareholders are accessible via Companies House.

4. Aside from Federation House, the PFEW central body owns the Flats referenced above. Some individual branches of the PFEW also own properties.  

5. The Company is not "owned" by the PFEW. As noted above, 11 shares in the Company are held by Police Federation Trustees. The PFEW does not hold information as to how many "PITCOMP" companies exist. These companies are not owned by the PFEW nor are they connected to the PFEW.  

6. The other directors of PITCOMP do not have any relationship with PFEW 

7. The revenue/costs for the Flats are incorporated into the overall Federation House costs centre, which accounts for revenue and costs relating to the PFEW's offices at Federation House, the hotel and conference facilities at the site, and the Flats. Whilst some income is generated from the hotel/conference facilities and the Flats, this income is offset against the costs incurred by the PFEW in relation to the Federation House site and the Flats. Federation House therefore does not generally generate profits for the PFEW and is on average approximately a "break even" cost centre.

8. Income generated by Federation House (including the Flats) is included in our annual accounts under section "Other Income". Associated Costs are included under "National Board Expenditure" which references "Federation House Costs". 


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