Police Federation

FOI 00391 - North Wales investigation


Received: 12 June 2024

1. Please provide details of the financial spend (both costs and expenses to include anything deemed to as 'wooden dollars' which is the vernacular recently used by the National Board) incurred by PFEW and third parties during the investigation , hearing and appeal of ex North Wales Federation Branch Secretary Mark Jones which has taken place in 2024.  

Spend should include but not be limited to:  




Please provide this spend separated into PFEW and 3rd party costs and broken down by each phase:  

  1. investigation  
  2. hearing and   
  3. appeal  

2. Also include the breakdown by approximate hours spent on each phase separated into PFEW and 3rd parties and broken down into each phase:  

  1. investigation  
  2. hearing and   
  3. appeal  

3. Please also provide the total number of hours dedicated by external solicitors, advisors and any of the inhouse legal team.  


Responded: 26 November 2024

1. The individuals within the PFEW who had conduct of Mr Jones’ disciplinary process did so as part of their ordinary day to day roles at the PFEW.  Aside from the hearing held at Federation House, the process was conducted remotely/on paper. 

As to the hearing at Federation House, the use of that facility meant that no external venue/accommodation needed to be hired and any food provided would have been provided as part of the usual provision of meals at Federation House.  To the extent that any PFEW individuals claimed expenses for travelling to Federation House, these amounted £59.00 internal expenses incurred for these matters. Some of these individuals would have been required at Federation House anyway and therefore any such expenses would not relate to Mr Jones’ disciplinary process (as it formed part of their day-to-day role).

Data for third party costs is shown below (all figures exclude VAT):


Third party costs (£)

Investigation phase (including any reactive work and the cost of an independent investigator)


Hearing phase (including reactive work and hearing attendance)


Appeal phase


Miscellaneous expenses across all phases



2. As explained in our response to question 1, individuals at the PFEW who were involved with Mr Jones’ disciplinary process did so as part of their ordinary day to day roles at the PFEW.  They do not record their hours in the same way as external advisors and therefore we do not hold such information.  It is not possible to say how many hours were spent by PFEW individuals during the process.  Hours recorded by external third parties are shown below:


Third party hours

Investigation phase


Hearing phase


Appeal phase



3. Please find details of the recording of hours in relation to individuals at the PFEW in our response to question 2.  Data for the total time spent by external parties is shown below:


Total hours

External solicitors


External investigator


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