Police Federation

FOI 00374 - Hate crime statistics


Received: 4 April 2024

Please provide a data table of every hate crime incident that has ocurred in England and Wales since hate crimes have been recorded. For every incident, please provide the following information in columns:

  • the date of the incident
  • the bias motivation
  • the offense (and/ or offense code)
  • the postal code of the area in which the incident took place
  • the victim type (e.g. individual/ business/ religious organization/ ...)
  • the total number of individual victims
  • and the total number of offenders (and information on their race/ethnicity & gender if recorded).


Responded: 25 April 2024

The Police Federation of England and Wales does not hold this data. 

 The Home Office publishes annual hate crime statistics which can be found via the link below.  However, to obtain the level of detail required to satisfy this request, it is likely that a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 would need to be made to each of the 43 police forces in England and Wales. 


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