Police Federation

FOI 00365 - Services and provisions for staff at HQ


Received: 13 March 2024

1. Can you please let me know what other free services are provided to people working at Leatherhead and what the cost has been per year for the last 5 years please. 

2. Where can I find those details in the accounts. 


Responded: 7 May 2024

1. Aside from free lunch when working on site at HQ employees of the Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) are provided with the use of guest gym facilities free of charge. This is considered to be an important offering aimed at attracting and retaining staff and is a contractual benefit for HQ staff. It is not possible to isolate the specific costs of allowing people working at Leatherhead to use the gym facilities, since they are also available to others, such as guests of the hotel.

2. Costs relating to the provision of the gym facilities are incorporated into the Annual Report and Accounts for the relevant financial year (once published) under the “Statement of Financial Activities” within "National Board Expenditure". Please note that the most recent published Annual Report and Accounts are for the year ended 31 December 2021.

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