Police Federation

FOI 00343 - CEO appointment and salary


Received: 11 October 2023

What is the salary of the current CEO, Mukund Krishna? 

How many people were interviewed for the post of CEO prior Mukund Krishna’s appointment to office? 

How many candidates were there for the post of CEO in the recruitment campaign which resulted in the installation of Mukund Krishna? 



Responded: 9 November 2023


What is the salary of the current CEO, Mukund Krishna? 


The Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) does hold this data but is exempting it under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 section 22: Information intended for future publication.   


How many people were interviewed for the post of CEO prior Mukund Krishna’s appointment to office? 


The CEO was appointed by the National Board.  This was a change in role from COO to CEO, not a new vacancy, therefore it was not advertised. This took account of a change to the reporting structure and better reflects the responsibilities of the role.  


How many candidates were there for the post of CEO in the recruitment campaign which resulted in the installation of Mukund Krishna? 


Please see the response to question two. 

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