Police Federation

FOI 00334 - National Board expenses from Q1 2021


Received: 13 September 2023

In DN IC-243479-P3W9 the Commissioner did not uphold an appeal concerning the expenses claimed by National Board members since Q1 2018 (section 12):


You conducted a sampling exercise:

"18. PFEW conducted a sampling exercise, by checking and sorting the relevant expenses of 5 officers, which took an average of 20 minutes per officer..."

Please provide details of PFEW National Board member expenses for each quarter since Q1 2021.


Responded: 11 October 2023

The Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) confirms that it does hold this data and is willing to provide data in this response from Q1 2021 through to Q2 2022 inclusive.  Data for the period from Q3 2022 onwards (to Q2 2023) can be obtained from the PFEW’s website by using the following link https://www.polfed.org/resources/reports/. For reference, all future National Board ("NB") expenses will be published on that section of the website (on a quarterly basis and once known and finalised).  We would also draw your attention to the commentary on the above referenced website page regarding the incurring of expenses. 

The NB expenses for Q1 2021 through to the end of Q2 2022 are set out in the table below.  It should be noted that the figures spanning the period from Q2 2021 to Q2 2022 are significantly lower than the previous quarter due to the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic on normal business (in particular for travel and subsistence). 


Q1 2021 

Q2 2021 

Q3 2021 

Q4 2021 

Q1 2022 

Q2 2022 

NB Expenses (in GBP £) 









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