Police Federation

FOI 00328 - New CEO appointment


Received: 7 July 2023

Please can you advise me where the advert for the new CEO was placed, who decided that a CEO was required and how, how many candidates applied and what salary the new CEO is currently attaining (including benefits)


Responded: 28 July 2023

The role of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) was a change of role from Chief Operating Officer (COO) and therefore not a new vacancy.  On this basis it was not advertised.  The switch in title took account of a change to the reporting structure at PFEW and better reflects the responsibilities of the role.  The CEO role gives executive authority in the organisation to someone with business experience.  It is good industry practice to have business experience sitting on the Board to offer professional guidance.  The CEO role has a mandate from the National Board to oversee the day to day running of the organisation and to be responsible for the corporate governance of PFEW.  In addition to the National Board appointing the CEO, processes are also being proposed whereby they can remove a CEO too. 

The salary of the new CEO is being exempted under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 Section 22:1(a) – Information intended for future publication. 

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