Police Federation

FOI 00325 - Accounts


Received: 6 July 2023

Why are there no accounts data to be viewed other than quarter 3 and 4 from 2022. 
Why is the info in those updates not broken down into the specific members and what each of those costs was? Where is that info held and how is that audited? 
How can some of the members be claiming nearly 10k over 2 quarters purely in expenses as shown in the 2022 figures. 
Why is there a link which only shows the above info for 2022, which has been attached to an FOI request from May 2020 and is attached to all account requests. 
Where are all of the PFEWs account data held and where can it can be accessed? 

Who audits the PFEWs accounts? 
How much is the new CEO being paid and how long was he employed by the PFEW as COO before being offers the CEO position and what was the application process for his employment? 
What are the current state of the PFEWs account and how much money curently sits in the No 2 account. 


Responded: 31 July 2023


Why are there no accounts data to be viewed other than quarter 3 and 4 from 2022


For various business reasons, the process was halted prior to 2022 triennial elections. Now that all the new National Board members are in place, publication has recommenced. Q1 and Q2 for 2023 will be available before the end of the year.


Why is the info in those updates not broken down into the specific members and what each of those costs was? Where is that info held and how is that audited? 


PFEW does not publish this data by name, but by job role. By nature of the computer system that is used for inputting expenses data, the Finance team are limited on the detail that they can input. Consequently, expenses are grouped into categories rather than by individual receipts.

Expenses are sent to the National Treasurer/Deputy Treasurer for approval and the Internal Audit Team also regularly review expenses.


How can some of the members be claiming nearly 10k over 2 quarters purely in expenses as shown in the 2022 figures. 


As you can see from Q3 to Q4, PFEW have made sure that roles are split where there are two National Board (NB) members performing the role. For example, in Q3, we have “Professional Standards Lead” with the highest amount of expenses, however, in Q4, it is possible to see a split between “Professional Standards Lead 1” and “Professional Standards Lead 2”. This means that in Q3, the total was for two people’s expenses but in Q4, it had been separated out in order to make this clear.

Some NB members will accumulate more expenses than others purely because they live further away from Leatherhead HQ, e.g. a member travelling to and from Cumbria will accumulate more travel expenses than one travelling from Surrey.


Why is there a link which only shows the above info for 2022, which has been attached to an FOI request from May 2020 and is attached to all account requests


Please refer to the first answer to explain why only details of 2022 are available. At the time of writing this response, Finance have updated the website to show details for Q1 and Q2 2023.


Where are all of the PFEWs account data held and where can it can be accessed? 


Full details of the audited Annual Report and Accounts for 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 can be found here: https://www.polfed.org/resources/reports/accounts/

Accounts for 2021 are expected to be available by September. Accounts for 2022 are currently being audited.


Who audits the PFEWs accounts


PFEW currently uses KPMG to audit accounts.


How much is the new CEO being paid and how long was he employed by the PFEW as COO before being offers the CEO position and what was the application process for his employment?


Police Federation of England and Wales confirms that it does hold data concerning the salary of the new CEO but is exempting it under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 Section 22:1(a) – Information intended for future publication.

The CEO commenced the role of COO on 01/04/2021. Due to the fact that the role of CEO was a change of role from COO and not a new vacancy, it was not advertised. This took account of a change to the reporting structure and better reflects the responsibilities of the job.


What are the current state of the PFEWs account and how much money curently sits in the No 2 account. 


No.2 accounts are related to the Branches and are separate to PFEW. Therefore, as PFEW is not a Branch, it does not have a No.2 account.

As per your response to the clarification email received 18/07/2023, we can provide the balance for the No2 account for Northamptonshire as of the end of June 2023 was £96,929.08. Please note that the term “No.2 account” is no longer used and instead it is now known as “Branch generated income”.


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