Police Federation

FOI 00321 - PFEW Supported Criminal Claims (2)


Received: 17 May 2023

How many officers are you currently providing advice and legal assistance to who have 
Have been charged with an criminal offence 


Responded: 24 May 2023

Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) confirms that it does hold this data but is exempting it under Section 12(1) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000: Cost of compliance exceeds appropriate limit.

As previously, this data is not recorded in the manner requested, nor is it available in an automated way, and would therefore entail a manual search and collation of data to respond to your request.  There are more than 1250 records for the time period suggested in the request which would need to be manually searched to find the required data.  PFEW has estimated that the cost and time of this exercise would exceed the limits of the £450 and 18 hours stipulated by the legislation.   

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