Police Federation

FOI 00310 - Role Profiles and Pay Scales


Received: 14 February 2023

I submit this Freedom of Information request under the Act of Parliament 2000.
I request all information (not summaries or approximations) that the Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) holds on the following;
1 - The salary banding used by PFEW and all its regional offices for their non warranted employees 
2 - An individual breakdown of the salaries for all non warranted staff of PFEW and all its regional offices
3 - A job title and description of role for all non warranted staff of PFEW and all its regional offices


Responded: 16 March 2023



The salary banding used by PFEW and all its regional offices for their non warranted employees  


The Police Federation of England and Wales can confirm that it holds this information with respect to roles at HQ only and they are as follows: 

Level 2 

£19,000 to £23,000 

Level 3 

£25,500 to £33,250 

Level 4 

£31,100 to £42,000 

Level 5 

£41,000 to £57,500 

 Salary details for roles above these grades are also held, however they are being exempted under Section 40(2) Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) by virtue of S.40(3)(a)(i).  While salaries for these roles are weighed against comparable public and private sector positions, actual salaries are individually arrived at, reflecting the qualifications, experience, and performance of the person in each role.  We consider that providing such data would be a breach of the individual’s privacy rights. 

 There is currently no standard pay framework for employees within regional offices.


An individual breakdown of the salaries for all non warranted staff of PFEW and all its regional offices


PFEW confirms that it does hold this data but is exempting it under Section 40(2) Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) by virtue of S.40(3)(a)(i) disclosure would contravene any of the data protection principles. 


A job title and description of role for all non warranted staff of PFEW and all its regional offices


PFEW confirms that it does hold this data but is exempting it under Section 40(2) Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) by virtue of S.40(3)(a)(i) Disclosure would contravene any of the data protection principles. 

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