Police Federation

FOI 00309 - Pay and Morale Survey


Received: 23 January 2023

Recently you sent out a survey to all Leicestershire Officers regarding pay.

I am a PCDA student currently at Leicestershire and wondering if you could send me those questions, I would like to see what type of questions were asked and see if I can refer to some of them for my dissertation research.

I will not be sending out the survey again for officers to answer I just would like to review what questions were asked


Responded: 27 January 2023


I am a PCDA student currently at Leicestershire and wondering if you could send me those questions, I would like to see what type of questions were asked and see if I can refer to some of them for my dissertation research 


Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) confirms that it does hold this data.  The information you require can be found on the PFEW website as per the below: 


 For your interest, our research team spend time evaluating other organisation’s pay and morale surveys.  These are provided below: 

AFCAS_2022_ANNEX_B_Reference_Tables_Excel.xlsx (live.com) 

NHS Staff Survey 2021 national dashboards | Tableau Public 

Civil_Service_People_Survey_2009_2021_Benchmarks_v2.ods (live.com) 


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