Police Federation

FOI 00308 - Management of Performance and Complaints


Received: 18 January 2023

  • How is performance managed of the individual branches by the National Federation.  Where is this performance recorded?
  • With regards to complaints against the Federation and Branches:   How many complaints were recorded for 2022?  How are the decisions made about these complaints?  Where are they recorded?
  • If officers on duty were to turn up at PFEW HQ, would they be able to eat for free in the restaurant?


Responded: 7 February 2023


How is performance managed of the individual branches by the National Federation.  Where is this performance recorded? 


PFEW confirms it does hold this data. 

 Individual branches are not performance managed by PFEW on a day to day basis.  Members are elected to the key positions within the Branches and are accountable to the National Secretary should any issues be raised under Appendix 9 of the PFEW Rules.  Consequently, performance is not recorded unless there is a complaint/concern and then the information would be held by the National Secretary.  For ease, the PFEW Rules can be found via the following link. The required page for Appendix 9 is 175. 



With regards to complaints against the Federation and Branches:   How many complaints were recorded for 2022?  How are the decisions made about these complaints?  Where are they recorded? 


PFEW does not have any lodged complaints against the Federation or Branches.  Branches may deal with their own complaints locally and only escalate to PFEW if it becomes necessary.  Complaints are assessed as to whether they fit the complaint criteria as per Appendix 9 of the PFEW Rules.  Complaints are managed by the National Secretary’s office. 


If officers on duty were to turn up at PFEW HQ, would they be able to eat for free in the restaurant? 


PFEW confirms that it does hold this data. 

 All officers are welcome at Federation House and can help themselves to free tea and coffee but are not able to eat for free in the restaurant. 

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