Police Federation

FOI 00305 - Personal Claims


Received: 26 December 2022

May I through your organisation please request whether Hampshire Police Force HQ have received any claims against myself please :-





I ask with 100% respect for Hampshire ordinary Police officers, albeit there is at present a charge made by myself against Senior Officers including the previous Chief Constable and her predecessor, this is additionally at the request of my Solicitor. XX XXXXX XXXXXXXX is mostly aware of this situation which has been ongoing for many years.

Evidence confirming aggravated theft with menaces, serious Fraud, Elder Abuse, Criminal Damage, (proven) harassment etc has been ongoing for years and always discounted against the evidence by senior officer, looking after by misfeasor those who are alleged to have perverted the course of justice by making false accusations, one a senior police officer himself and his wife in the chief executive’s office at HBC who themselves as a public service require investigating.

A good young police officer lost his life recently, many others place their lives on the line selflessly 24/7 yet in doing so get tarred with the corruption and decisions of officers who themselves should be charged.

Yes i’ve been into Police HQ and the woman possibly in charge of the desk officers should herself be investigated for perverting the course of justice, witnessed, refusing to accept any 1000% truthful evidence of criminal activity, if that is the policy or the Police Federation then join those who have damming evidence against themselves, but please instead I beg you on behalf of an increasingly upset public, to do the correct thing and release what ever evidence you have. Should you feel you cannot to myself then please address it to XX XXXXX XXXXXX, enquiries@XXXXXXXXXXXXXX.co.uk in the new year please.

In far too many films, tv series such as Morse, et el all come up against senior officers protecting criminals ! Hampshire Police Constable had a favourite for offshore companies, extortion, undermining the law stopping her officers from investigation suspicious deaths and much much more, I’d also ask for a FOI against Sussex Police historically as well under the name of XXXXX, relating to grave misfeasor of public office arising from 1984 to date, i’m advised one could make a thriller out of their unlawful doing’s whilst the old Chief Constable(s) circa 1984 – 2000 got away with the evidence remains in plain sight.

Yey may they fix their favours for friends, it all comes out in the wash should Hamshire not sort this current issue out they are fettering their discretion over, Sussex Force’s erroneous miss judgement just may make Nostradamus’s vision come through with your new Boss KC


Responded: 4 January 2023


Thank you for your request for information.

In accordance with section 1. (1)(a) and 1(b) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, the Police Federation of England and Wales can confirm that it does not hold data relating to this request.

If you are not satisfied with the way in which we have dealt with your request for information, then in accordance with the Act you may ask us to conduct a review.  Internal review requests should be submitted within two months of the date of receipt of the response to your original request and should be addressed to:

Data Protection Office
Police Federation of England and Wales
Federation House
Highbury Drive
Surrey, KT22 7UY

If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review, you then have the right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision.  Generally, the Information Commissioner's Office cannot make a decision unless you have already exhausted the Police Federation of England and Wales’s internal review procedure.  The Information Commissioner can be contacted at:

Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane

Further information about the Freedom of Information Act can be sourced on the Information Commissioner's website: https://ico.org.uk/

Kind regards

Data Protection Team

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