Police Federation

FOI 00302 - Surrey Branch queries


Received: 12 December 2022

  1. Where are the audited accounts for the Surrey Branch held? 
  2. Why are the accounts for 2021 not available considering they would have been closed January 2022? 
  3. Where can I get the Individual Branch Accounts? 
  4. What was the detailed (individual claims) for the Branch for 2021/2022.  I require details and justification for each. 
  5. What is the enhanced payment that the Surrey Branch Secretary receives?  How is this justified? 
  6. Who looks at the performance of the Surrey Branch Secretary?  How is this quantified and recorded?  What additional training have they received to undertake this role specifically around strategic thinking? 
  7. What does the Surrey Branch Secretary pay for his accommodation at PFEW HQ considering he lives there during his 4 day week? 
  8. Why did the Surrey Federation not provide a Rep in custody for a recently arrested officer who had requested it? 
  9. I have been told that there are no kitchen facilities at PFEW HQ and therefore anyone who is working there is entitled to free food.  How can this be justified when it’s members have to provide their own on a daily basis?  Can the PFEW confirm that there are no cooking facilities at PFEW HQ. 
  1. Who from Surrey Branch attended the National Conference?What costs did each person incur?  How were these justified considering there was no feedback from the conference to the members. 
  2. Is the Surrey Branch Secretary up to date on all CPD especially NCALTS which all officers are held to account for if they haven’t completed them?
  3. Why are meeting dates, agendas and minutes of meeting not published on the Surrey POLFED Web Page?Why has the Secretary not called a meeting to sort out the extent of the problems. 
  4. What Property does Surrey PolFed Hold?
  5. Why have I been told that I cannot become a Fed Rep because I am not female?


Responded: 10 January 2023

Response to Question 1

The Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) confirms this information is held but is exempting it under Section 21 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000: data reasonably accessible by other means.

For ease, the information can be found here:  https://www.polfed.org/resources/reports/accounts/

Response to Question 2

PFEW confirms this information is held but is exempting it under Section 22 of the Freedom of information Act 2000: information intended for future publication.

Response to Question 3

Please refer to the response to the first question for this information.

Response to Question 4

Please refer to the response to the first question for this information.

Response to Question 5

PFEW confirms this information is held but is exempting it under Section 21 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000: data reasonably accessible by other means.  For ease, the information can be found here: https://www.polfed.org/support/legal-advice-assistance/

Within the Fund Rules

Response to Question 6

All PFEW representatives are subject to PFEW Rules.  Appendix 9 outlines the performance management.

For ease, the information can be found here:  https://www.polfed.org/about-us/join-the-fed/federation-rules-regs/

All PFEW elected officers are required by PFEW to have sufficient knowledge or expertise in a range of areas.

Response to Question 7

This response is exempt under Section 40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 by virtue of Section 40(3)(a).  This refusal is due the information requested being personal information relating to someone other than the requester and the disclosure would contravene one of the data protection principles.

Response to Question 8

PFEW confirms that this data is not held.

Response to Question 9

There are no cooking facilities for employees but there are four kitchenettes which have kettles and fridges. Eating in offices is discouraged due to food safety legislation.

The commercial kitchen is for the provision of food for guests and employees. This kitchen meets the requirements of the Food Safety Act (1990) and all Food and Beverage employees must be trained in food hygiene and follow very strict working practices. No other access is permitted.

Response to Question 10

One elected Branch official attended conference, and this was the current Branch Secretary.  Accommodation costs totalled £510. 

All Branches are entitled to a certain number of attendees across all regions.

Response to Question 11

This response is exempt under Section 40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 by virtue of Section 40(3)(a).  This refusal is due the information requested being personal information relating to someone other than the requester and the disclosure would contravene one of the data protection principles.

Response to Question 12

PFEW confirms that this data is not held.

Response to Question 13

Surrey Branch owns a holiday home situated on Shorefield Country Park.

Response to Question 14

PFEW confirms this data is not held.



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