Police Federation

FOI 00284 - Annual legal fee budget and Pension information


Received: 12 April 2022

What is the annual budget for legal fees for PFEW federated members? (Can you provide a total budget and then an amount per member please?) If this varies year on year, please can you provide the average for the last 10 years. 


  1. What is the total annual income for the PFEW? If this varies year on year, please can you provide the average for the last 10 years.
  2.  What does the PFEW estimate legal fees will be per officer registered for the Police Federation pension legal challenge? 
  3. How many officers have signed up to the Police Federation pension legal challenge?
  4. What legal budget have you allowed for each of the officers who have signed up to the Police Federation pension legal challenge? 
  5. Please can you provide copies of all publications made available to federated members from PFEW that relate to the pension legal challenges. 



Responded: 11 May 2022

The Police Federation of England and Wales can confirm that we do hold this information and it is as follows: 


Response to Question 1 

We can provide a total spend budget for each year but not by member.  We do not record how many members use our services in this way. 




























Response to Question 2 

This response is exempt under Section 21: information accessible by other means.  For ease of accessing the information, please view it here: https://www.polfed.org/resources/reports-accounts/ 


Response to Question 3 

The legal challenge is still ongoing.  For this reason, we do not hold this information and are not able to provide a response. 


Response to Question 4 

Approximately 38,000 


Response to Question 5 

The legal challenge is still ongoing.  For this reason, we do not hold this information and are not able to provide a response. 


Response to Question 6 

This response is exempt under Section 21: information accessible by other means.  For ease of accessing the information, please view it here: www.polfed.org/support/pensions/ 

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