Police Federation

FOI 00278 - Officers facing allegations


Received: 24 January 2022

As of the 21st Of January 2022 


How many police officers are the Federation providing assistance to who are currently:  


  1. Facing IOPC investigation 
  2. Facing force investigation 
  3. A criminal court appearance as a defendant
  4. How many of the officers that are being supported are accused of abuse of power for a  sexual purpose or some other sexual offense  
  5. How many forces do the officers come from 


For clarity, assistance should be taken to mean any advice, services, support or legal representation given to the officer by the police federation. 


Responded: 22 February 2022

The Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) can confirm that we may hold part of the information you require; however, Section 12(1) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 states that we are not obliged to comply with a request for information if it is estimated that the cost would exceed the appropriate limit. 


Guidance on this exemption can be found at the Information Commissioner’s Office website. 


We do not process data in a way that would be allow us to simply search for the criteria above, we would need to review each claim separately and manually.  There are currently 2539 matters recorded that could contain some of the above data requested.  We estimate that it would take in excess of 423 hours to examine, review and record the information.  Therefore, the cost of complying with this request will exceed the cost and time limits specified. 

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