Police Federation

FOI 00273 -Traumatic events (East Midlands Forces)


Received: 12 November 2021

To further my research into this topic of interest, I was hoping to obtain relevant data and statistics around the following subject areas, and I was wondering if you were able to assist me with this endeavour.

For the purpose of data collection, East Midlands Forces refer to Derbyshire; Leicestershire; Lincolnshire; Northamptonshire and Nottinghamshire.

1. The number of events that have occurred within the last 5 years that would be considered traumatic events in the East Midlands forces

2. The number of officers who have taken time off or resigned due to mental health problems relating to Depression, Anxiety and PTSD in the East Midlands Forces


3. The number of officers who have received complaints or disciplinaries following a traumatic experience in the East Midlands forces

4. The jobs that officers regard to be the most traumatic


Responded: 24 November 2021

Thank you for your request for information.


In accordance with section 1. (1)(a) and 1(b) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, we can confirm that we do not hold this information

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