Police Federation

FOI 00267 - Communications with the Labour Party since 2020


Received: 4 August 2021

I wish to request, under the Freedom of Information Act, that you supply me with: 


  1. The number of times the Police Federation and Labour Members of Parliament have communicated via email in the past 12 (calendar) months.


  1. The subject and content of these emails.


  1. Which representatives from the Police Federation sent or received these emails.


Responded: 4 November 2021

The Police Federation of England and Wales can confirm that we hold this information. 


Communication between the Police Federation and Labour MPs has been pre or post meeting in December 2020 of the National Chair, John Apter, and Metropolitan Police Federation Chair, Ken Marsh.   They related to briefing materials on the topics covered (seeking support to publicly condemn and, where possible, ban marches and demonstrations in London as increasing numbers of police officers were reporting sick with Covid-19 or were self-isolating). 

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