Police Federation

FOI 00259 - Officers charged with rape or murder since 2011


Received: 22 June 2021

How many police officers have been represented by the federation who have been charged with the offence of murder and or rape and or Kidnapping in the last 10yrs.  Please breakdown by offence  Murder 0, Rape 3  and kidnapping 10 etc 


  • To be clear I want  to know how many police  officers you have represented who have been charged with the above  offences
  • I would also like no the global figure of police officers charged with murder, Rape, Kidnapping regardless of whether you provide legal assistance to them.
  • For clarity, assistance should be taken to mean any advice, services, support or legal representation given to the officer by the police federation at any time in the last  10 yrs.

If you are unable to supply 10yrs please  supply as many years as you can


Responded: 20 July 2021

The Police Federation of England and Wales can confirm that we hold some in formation in relation to this request however we must caveat these results with the fact that in most instances allegations of this nature would not comply with the requirements of our Funding Criteria.  In those circumstances we would not provide advice or funding

Our records show that in the last 10 years there have been the following number of cases that meet your query:

1:  Murder

0:  Rape

0:  Kidnapping

We do not hold data in relation to global figures of police officers charged with the offences above.

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