Police Federation

FOI 00242 - Legal funding for gross misconduct 2018-2021


Received: 4 January 2021

Under the Freedom of Information act, I am requesting you provide the total amount of money paid out through the Hampshire branch in legal fees for the six officers of the SOCU North team, whose gross misconduct cases were found proven at the end of December.

Please could you also provide me with the total amount of money paid in legal expenses for misconduct proceedings against members for the last three financial years.


Responded: 1 February 2021

The Police Federation of England and Wales can confirm that there have been no costs paid to date in legal fees for the Hampshire case above.

The total amounts, by year, paid in legal expenses for misconduct proceedings over the last 3 years are:

  • 2018 £2,610,871
  • 2019 £3,293,903
  • 2020 £2,379,614
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