Police Federation

FOI 00241 - Elected Officials enhancements


Received: 31 December 2020

From 2017 the Federation have stopped listing individual elected officials enhancements. The Federation chair enhancement was increased by 6.9% from 2016-2017. The last publication was shown as a 19.69% increase collectively in elected officers enhancements between 2017-2018. There are no other published figures.

I would like to know why there was a 6.9% increase and what the increases have been on each individual elected official thereafter. I would like to know how these figures are calculated.


Responded: 29 January 2021

The Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) can confirm that we are partially exempting this response under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, Part II, Section 22:  Information intended for future publication.

We anticipate the information covering years following 2017 will be published before May 2021.  For ease the link under which the information will be published is: www.polfed.org/resources/reports-accounts/

In response to your query regarding the figure calculation we can confirm that elected official enhancements are made at one financial level.  There are two factors which impact this:

  • Elected officials are from ranks Constable to Inspector and in those ranks their salaries differ accordingly. A Constable undertaking an official role would therefore have a larger percentage result in enhancement than an Inspector.
  • Elected officials also change with every triennial election which will impact the year on year percentage.
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