Police Federation

FOI 00238 - Meetings between PFEW and Nick Thomas-Symonds MP


Received: 23 November 2020

I wish to request, under the Freedom of Information Act, that you supply me with:

A list outlining the dates and times of meetings between the Police Federation and Nick Thomas Symmonds MP and any correspondence pertaining to the meeting including any notes or follow-up.


Responded: 17 December 2020

The Police Federation of England and Wales can confirm that we do hold the above requested information.

Since Mr Thomas-Symonds took up the role of Shadow Home Secretary in April 2020 there have been a number of meetings with our Chairman.  All of these have taken place virtually, the dates of which are:

  • 8 April
  • 13 May
  • 12 June
  • 22 September
  • 7 October
  • 4 November

They have been at various times as and when they were able to be slotted into mutually appropriate times.  No notes, minutes or follow-ups have been documented.

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