Police Federation

FOI 00225 - PFEW spend since 2016


Received: 9 June 2020

What have the Federation spent members money on in the last 4 years both locally in Cumbria and Nationally? Could I have a break down please?
Also my second question is around what legal advice was given to the Federation around not pursuing a legal action on behalf of its members when the pension changes were first decided by the Government?


Responded: 9 July 2020

The Police Federation of England and Wales confirm that we do hold this information.  The data for Cumbria is as follows:









We are exempting the data nationally under the Data Protection Act 2000 Part II Section 22, information intended for future publication.

Legal advice was obtained regarding this matter.  As you will see from previous Freedom of Information requests, we do not waive the legal privilege around this advice.

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