Received: 25 February 2020
Under Freedom of Information can I request you provide me with the following documents:
- Minutes of any and all meetings with any Government Department in respect of the Police Pension Reforms which were eventually implemented in 2015 or where Pension reform was discussed.
- Minutes of any internal Police Federation Meetings where Pension reform was discussed, prior to the reforms being implemented.
- Minutes of any internal Police Federation meetings after the reforms were enacted where Transition Protections / Tapering are discussed.
- Minutes of any and all meetings held with the “Pension challenge” group.
- Minutes of any and all meetings where the subject of re-imbursing Members who took legal action against the Pension reforms was discussed.
- Copies of any emails or documents sent out regarding the advice to be given to officers who may have been considering signing up to the Pension Challenge.
- Copies of any and all circulars advising of the Police Federation’s position on the legal challenge, including the advice given around the likely success of such a challenge.
- Copy of most recent Police Federation Financial Accounts. The last on the Website are 2016.
- Any document which identifies the numbers of officers who are protected / unprotected / or subject of Tapering .
- Any document where the rationale for not meeting the Pension Challenge claimants cost is provided.