Police Federation

FOI 00213 - Pension reform and challenge


Received: 25 February 2020

Under Freedom of Information can I request you provide me with the following documents:

  1. Minutes of any and all meetings with any Government Department in respect of the Police Pension Reforms which were eventually implemented  in 2015 or where Pension reform was discussed.
  2. Minutes of any internal Police Federation Meetings where Pension reform was discussed, prior to the reforms being implemented.
  3. Minutes of any internal Police Federation meetings after the reforms were enacted where Transition Protections / Tapering are discussed.
  4. Minutes of any and all meetings held with the “Pension challenge” group.
  5. Minutes of any and all meetings where the subject of re-imbursing Members who took  legal action against the Pension reforms was discussed.
  6. Copies of any emails or documents sent out regarding the advice to be given to officers who may have been considering signing up to the Pension Challenge.
  7. Copies of any and all circulars advising of the Police Federation’s position on the legal challenge, including the advice given around the likely success of such a challenge.
  8. Copy of most recent Police Federation Financial Accounts. The last on the Website are 2016.
  9. Any document which identifies the numbers of officers who are protected / unprotected / or subject of Tapering .
  10. Any document where the rationale for not meeting the Pension Challenge claimants cost is provided.


Responded: 23 March 2020

  1. The Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) neither confirm nor deny that such records exist but are exempting a response under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, Part 2, Section 36(3) which relates to the potential of prejudice to the effective conduct of public affairs.
  2. See previous response
  3. See previous response
  4. See previous response
  5. See previous response
  6. PFEW are exempting this response under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, Part 2, Section 40 (2a) which relates to personal data of others.
  7. PFEW are exempting this response under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, Part 2, Section 21 (1) which relates to information that is reasonable accessible by other means. For ease of access there is information located on our website here: https://www.polfed.org/our-work/pensions/and the are various updates within our Latest News section here: https://www.polfed.org/news-media/latest-news/
  8. PFEW are exempting this response under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, Part 2, Section 22 (1A) which relates to information intended for future publication at some future date (whether determined or not).
  9. PFEW can confirm that we do not hold this information.
  10. See response to Question 7


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