Police Federation

FOI 00209 - PFEW legal advice around the pension challenge


Received: 17 January 2020

I had a response back in 2018 in relation to wanting to see the legal advice the federation got and decided not to proceed with the pensions legal challenge as there were no grounds. The response stated the information was exempt under section 21 as the information was available else where.

I do not think this is the case, I ask to see the written legal advice the federation sought that led them to make the decision not to mount a legal challenge. This document will not be held by any other body other than PFEW as it is legal advice.

I do not accept that this advice is protected under privilege as it the advice sought was no doubt paid for with federation members funds therefore our legal advice to be seen by all.


Responded: 31 January 2020

We have previously been asked a similar question and have published the response on our website.

For ease the information is here:  https://www.polfed.org/about-us/access-to-information/disclosure-log/

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