Police Federation

FOI 00204 - PFEW Legal advice around pension challenge


Received: 18 November 2019

I writing to yourselves in regards to information that I would like from the Police federation regarding the legal advice taken from Legal experts some four years ago regarding the 1987 Police pension agreement. As a Member of the Police federation I would like to see the legal advice given to the PFEW that any challenge to the government’s decision to let some officers keep the 1987 pension and others to be changed to the 2003 scheme would not be successful and would affect other officers.
The PFEW has sent numerous comments to its members regarding not making a claim via Leigh Day Solicitors and has stated that they have taken expert legal advice regarding this which none of its members have ever seen despite asking for the information to be published.

I would like the advice given to the PFEW from its expert legal team regarding the above to be sent to myself under the Freedom of Information Request process.


Responded: 26 November 2019

The Police Federation of England and Wales can confirm that we do hold this information but are exempting a response under Section 42 of the Freedom of Information Act (2000). This is in relation to legal professional privilege (LPP) which protects confidential communications between lawyers and clients: it is a fundamental principle of English law.

Further information on Section 42 can be found on the legislation.gov.uk website here: http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2000/36/section/42

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