Police Federation

FOI 00199 - Police pension


Received: 4 November 2019

Can you please provide the details of the following :-

  1. The individual(s) who provided PFEW legal advice re Police Pensions Challenge and legal recourse. For the avoidance of doubt I am not seeking the legal advice just the name of the Lawyer/Barrister.
  2. Who reviewed this advice ?
  3. Who decided not to challenge the advice given the fact JUDGES chose to challenge the scheme.


Responded: 26 November 2019

The Police Federation of England and Wales are exempting this request under Section 40(3A)(a) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. This allows a public authority to withhold information from a response to a request when the information requested is personal data relating to someone other than the requester and its disclosure would contravene any of the data protection principles.

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