Police Federation

FOI 00195 - Individuals recruited to the Police


Received: 21 October 2019

Could you please advise if in each of the following cases the individual: 

  1. Dr Rick Muir - currently Director of 'The Police Foundation' and former Councillor and Cabinet Member for Hackney Council (2010-2016) 
  2. Tony Antrobus of Clapton, Hackney, formerly a lecturer at Tower Hamlets College 
  3. Mr Kaye, formerly of Princes Court, Rope Street London, SE16, and lawyer at the Crown Prosecution Service until 2015 

has ever worked as a police officer or undercover officer or civilian either within or recruited by the Metropolitan Police Force or any other regional, national or international police body or related intelligence services;  or, has been used/recruited to assist in information gathering operations for the police?


Responded: 24 October 2019

The Police Federation of England and Wales neither confirm not deny if this is information held and are exempting it under Section 40(5B) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. This provides exemptions from the duty to confirm or deny whether requested information is held, if to do so would disclose personal data.

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