Police Federation

FOI 00193 - Former Chair of West Mids Fed 2019


Received: 9 October 2019

Police Sergeant Richard Cooke (now former chair of West Midlands Foundation) has publicly tweeted about his loss of appeal and subsequent removal from office.

Would the Federation be able to comment on the details of the allegations which led to his dismissal and any further details which may be of interest to the public and other members of the Police Federation?


Responded: 24 October 2019

The Police Federation of England and Wales neither confirm nor deny that the above information is held. We are applying the exemption Section 36 which is for the purpose of refusal as the information would otherwise prejudice, or would be likely otherwise to prejudice, the effective conduct of public affairs.

Further information on Section 36 can found on the legislation.gov.uk website here: http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2000/36/section/36.

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