Police Federation

FOI 00192 - Lancashire police figures


Received: 8 October 2019

  1. Lancashire police figures each year between 2010 – 2019, for:
  2. a) Chief Officer

Chief Superintendents


Chief Inspectors




Police staff


  1. Numbers of Police support volunteers working with Lancashire police over same year period (2010-2019)


  1. Of these PSVs –
  2. a) a list of the different PSV roles worked within Lancashire police
  3. b) average hours worked by volunteers per month (between the years 2010-2019)


Responded: 24 October 2019

The Police Federation of England and Wales can confirm that we do not hold this information.

However, the Home Office regularly publishes data on the police workforce, including total number of officers (broken down by rank), staff and PSV’s, by force and by year. This information can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/police-workforce-england-and-wales-31-march-2019.

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