Police Federation

FOI 00175 - National Equality Lead


Received: 16 July 2019

  1. Could you please let me know how what the  Police Federations National Equality Lead …annual salary is ?
  2. Could you please let me know what expenses have been claimed for the National Equality lead in the last 12 months ?
  3. Could you please let me know what percentage of time of their working week is spent working from home/in office /in meetings.


Responded: 9 August 2019

1. The Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) does hold this information but are exempting it under Section 21 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, “information reasonably accessible to the applicant by other means”.  For ease, the information can be found on our website https://www.polfed.org/ under ‘Federation rules and regs’.

2. The current National Equality Lead has been in post since October 2018, the figures below reflect that:

10/2018 - £122.89

11/2018 - £541.19

12/2018 - £35

01/2019 - £0

02/2019 - £0

03/2019 - £0

04/2019 - £421.20

05/2019 - £0

06/2019 - £0

3. PFEW does not hold this information.


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