Police Federation

FOI 00169 - 2016 Officer Demand, Capacity and Welfare Survey report


Received: 21 June 2019

Please make you make the following report available, as I have been unable to locate it. When you try different links to find the report, via Google, it displays an error message.

The report is:  Houdmont, J. & Elliott-Davies, M. (2016). Police Federation of England and Wales 2016 Officer Demand, Capacity, and Welfare Survey: Initial Report - Descriptive Results.


Responded: 27 June 2019

The Police Federation of England and Wales can confirm that we do hold this information but are exempting it under Section 21 of the Act (2000) as it is reasonably accessible by other means. This is an absolute exemption.

For convenience, however, we have provided you with a link to the web site which will provide you with this information: https://www.polfed.org/our-work/demand-capacity-and-welfare/2016-survey-results/

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