Police Federation

FOI 00165 - Death by suicide


Received: 29 April 2019

Please disclose the following by way of the Freedom of Information Act, 2000:

Number of deaths by suicide of police officers of federated rank, broken down (i) year by year from 2010 to 2018 and (ii) by Federation Branch.

For example, the response to the request should take the following form:

Branch A

2010 x, 2011 x, 2012 x, 2013 x, 2014 x, 2015 x, 2016 x, 2017 x, 2018 x.

(x can be zero, of course. If a particular Federation Branch holds retrievable records).

Branch B

No information held

(It is anticipated that not all Federation Branches hold any form of records relating to these incidents. Those that do not should be identified separately).


Responded: 1 May 2019

I can confirm that the Police Federation of England and Wales does not hold the information requested.

However, some of the information you seek may be found via the Office of National statistic’s website where they have the following reports:

  • The number of police officer suicides in England and Wales, 2015 to 2016 can be found here
  • The number of police officer suicides in England and Wales between 2015 and 2017 can be found on the ONS Gov website here
  • Suicides of retired police officers 2012 to 2017 here
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