Police Federation

FOI 00164 - Gifts and gratuities - South Wales PF


Received: 7 May 2019

‘Please supple the Freedom of Information request for Gifts and Gratuity received or offers given to South Wales Police and South Wales Police Federation from Phillip Williams Insurance Brokers who supply group Insurance to members through the federation. Period requested from

1st January 2000 - 1st January 2019'


Responded: 21 May 2019

The Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) can confirm that they hold some of the data requested.


The information we can provide is as follows:


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Wales -v- Tonga

22nd November 2013

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Wales -v- Scotland

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Wales -v- Italy

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Wales -v- France

17th March 2018

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Wales -v- South Africa

24th November 2018

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Wales -v- Ireland

16th March 2019


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