Police Federation

FOI 00163 - PFEW Bravery awards venue


Received: 12 April 2019

I was very shocked to hear that you were holding some sort of award ceremony at a 5 star hotel!... Under the FOI act can you tell me what the budget is?...why do you need an award ceremony?...now the Dorchester has been cancelled where is the new venue?...surely with all the whinging about police cuts why don't you cancel it all together and save some of our public money?


Responded: 18 April 2019

The Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) can confirm that this is an annual event that honours some of the finest officers in England and Wales who have performed incredible acts of bravery, while on or off duty. We publish the nominees and winners every year on our website here: http://www.polfed.org/events/5707.aspx

PFEW is not funded by public money rather by subscriptions of police officer members across England and Wales. The Bravery Awards are funded wholly by sponsorship which for the last 11 years has been provided by Police Mutual, a financial services company exclusively for serving or retired Police Officers, Staff and their families.

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