Police Federation

Access to information

Freedom of Information

The Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) is funded in part by police officers who pay subscriptions from their wages. We are not funded by the public, and we are the only staff association to be subject to Freedom of Information (FoI), which came into effect for the PFEW in April 2017. Much of the information you may ask for may already be on this website, so please take the time to search for what you need first.

How to ask for information
The Freedom of Information Act (2000) provides public access to relevant information held by public authorities. Should you wish to submit an FoI request, please contact us at foi@polfed.org.

The General Data Protection Regulations and the UK Data Protection Act (2018) Subject Access provides a right for the requester to see their own personal data, rather than a right to see copies of documents that contain their personal data. If you wish to submit a SAR, please contact us at dataprotection@polfed.org.

For either of the above, we will have a better chance of finding the information you want if you are as specific as you are able to be and provide us as much detail as possible.

How long will it take to receive the information I want?
This will depend upon nature of the information you have asked for. If you have requested personal information about yourself then we should respond to your request within 1 calendar month from the point at which your request and identity has been verified.

For other requests you have a right to receive the information, or receive a valid refusal, within 20 working days, unless we need clarification.

Our publication scheme
We routinely publish a lot of information, as listed in our Publication scheme. This is a list of classes, groups, or types of information, within which information is available.

How do I complain if I am not happy with your response?
In the first instance you should write to us to explain why you are not happy so we can undertake an internal review and try to resolve the issue with you. If after this you are still not satisfied with the response, then you can contact the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO).

The ICO is the body responsible for enforcing the access to information laws.

Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane

Further information

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