Police Federation

Inspector pay scales

Inspectors (outside London)

Pay point With effect from 01/09/2022 With effect from 01/09/2023 % Uplift
0 £54,600 £58,422 7%
1 £56,088 £60,015 7%
2 £57,573 £61,602 7%
3 £59,064 £63,198 7%


Inspectors (in London)

Pay point With effect from 01/09/2022 With effect from 01/09/2023 % Uplift
0 £56,907 £60,891 7%
1 £58,398 £62,487 7%
2 £59,895 £64,089 7%
3 £61,392 £65,688 7%


Chief Inspectors (outside London)

Pay point With effect from 01/09/2022 With effect from 01/09/2023 % Uplift
1 (a) £60,234 £64,449 7%
2 £61,404 £65,703 7%
3 £62,634 £67,017 7%
In post 31 August 1994 £63,627 £68,082 7%

(a) Entry point for an officer appointed to the rank, unless the chief officer of police assigns the officer to a higher point.


Chief Inspectors (in London)

Pay point With effect from 01/09/2022 With effect from 01/09/2023 % Uplift
1 £62,556 £66,936 7%
2 £63,726 £68,187 7%
3 £64,950 £69,498 7%
In post 31 August 1994 £65,934 £70,548 7%
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