Police Federation

College of Policing

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The College of Policing (CoP) set standards in professional development, including codes of practice and regulations, to ensure consistency across the 43 forces in England and Wales. They also have a remit to set standards for the police service on training, development, skills and qualifications.

Police Education Qualification Framework (PEQF)

The PEQF is a new, professional framework for the training of police officers and staff that was initiated by the CoP in 2016. Based upon a new modern curricula aligned with the education levels set in England and Wales, this framework will over time cover the range of professional training for police officers through the ranks of constable through to chief officer. It will also encompass many police staff, police community support officers (PCSO) and special constables.

We made a submission to the open consultation process for PEQF at the end of March 2016 - the consultation paper and frequently asked questions are still accessible. We continue to feed into the process:

To find out more about the latest developments and updates on the PEQF, please visit the CoP website.

Leadership Review
The CoP published a ‘Leadership Review’ in June 2015 calling for fundamental changes to the policing workforce structure and organisation. The Review identifies the challenges for the future of policing and makes 10 recommendations to change the culture of policing and the way in which officers are promoted and selected as well as the management structures and development of leaders across all 43 forces.

The recommendations include reviewing the rank structure, introducing flexible career paths into policing, improving continuing professional development, advertising all vacancies for recruitment and promotion nationally, developing career opportunities which allow recognition and reward for advanced practitioners and increasing flexibility in assigning powers and legal authorities to police staff.

Our response to the Leadership Review (issued September 2015) was informed by focus groups and interviews with member representatives, including members of our Interim National Board and Interim National Council. 

Please visit the CoP website for further information around the Leadership Review.

About the College of Policing
The creation of a new policing professional body was announced by the Home Secretary in December 2011. Representatives from the Police Federation, the Police Superintendents' Association of England and Wales, National Police Chiefs' Council and UNISON worked with the Home Office to create the College of Policing. 

More information on the College of Policing.


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