Police Federation

Professional Development

The professional development sub-committee is responsible for all matters relating to professional development that apply to police officers up to the rank of Chief Inspector. Our members deal at a strategic level with key stakeholders to represent, influence and negotiate with them on behalf of members. These stakeholders include the Home Office, the College of Policing, and the National Police Chiefs’ Council.

The sub-committee meets regularly throughout the year, reports directly to the National Board, and coordinates two seminars per year for professional development leaders in each police force area.

Our main areas of focus are:

  • The developments in policing of virtual learning and assessment processes;
  • The promotion process;
  • The training of initial recruits into policing;
  • The recognition and accreditation of specialist skills;
  • Tutors and assessors;
  • Continuous professional development.

If you require any further information please email professionaldevelopment@polfed.org

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