Police Federation

Detectives' Forum

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Welcome to the Police Federation National Detectives' Forum web page

The Police Federation National Detectives’ Forum (PFNDF) aims to support and progress the work of detectives throughout England and Wales.

The results of our latest national detectives’ survey show a service in crisis, with 73% of officers saying that they were not able to provide the service victims needed most or all of the time. This is just one example of the multiple issues within the field of detective work which is resulting in low morale. It’s imperative the forum do as much as possible can to address these ongoing issues. We encourage clicking the following links to know more about the current crisis in service.

Simplify DG6 Campaign →

National Survey Headline Findings →

Force Level Reports →

The forum meet multiple times a year to further progress but our most prestigious and highly-anticipated event comes in the form of the annual PFNDF seminar and awards, which has recently celebrated it’s 12th year. Multiple awards are presented to well-deserving and committed detectives and we hear from experts, both in the police and external sources.

More information about this year's PFNDF Awards will be posted on the events page soon.

If you are in need of any advice, guidance, please contact your local fed rep to see how we can help. Equally, if you have any suggestions or issues you’d like to raise, please do speak with your rep - we are here to help you.

Ben Hudson (1)
Ben Hudson


Jon Nott (1)
Jon Nott

Deputy Chair

Melanie Warnes
Melanie Warnes


Paul Matthews
Paul Matthews

Deputy Secretary

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