Police Federation

Operational Policing

The operational policing workstream is responsible for all matters relating to operational policing that apply to police officers up to the rank of Chief Inspector. We meet regularly throughout the year and report directly to the National Board.

It works at a strategic and local level with key stakeholders such as the Home Office, College of Policing and the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) to represent, influence and negotiate on behalf of Federation members.

We have both National Board and regional reps attend and represent PFEW at those meetings to give a clear picture of every level of policing, they in turn feed that information back into meetings to help update and shape the work of PFEW.

Its main priorities are:

  • Public order;
  • Chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear threats;
  • Roads policing;
  • Police dogs and mounted police;
  • Aviation and drones;
  • Terrorism;
  • Self-defence and restraint;
  • Body armour;
  • Uniform;
  • Body-worn video;
  • Digital policing;
  • Firearms, Taser and less than lethal weapons.
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