Police Federation




The official Police Federation of England and Wales podcast is here.

The first episode of POLICE: The podcast from the Police Federation of England and Wales was launched on 11 July.

In our Police Bravery Awards special, we spoke to Deputy National Chair Tiff Lynch, Special Constable Penny Lancaster, Head of Police & Forces Mutual Kerry McMahon-White, Medals for Heroes Founder Bryn Hughes, Diversity and Inclusion Manager at Essex Police Vernal Scott and PFEW Events Manager Claire Blekkenhorst.

Get involved in the conversation on social media using #POLICETalk.

How can I listen to your podcast?
There are a number of ways you can tune in to our podcast:

  • Most simply you will be able to listen in by clicking on the media player below
  • On Spotify
  • Search for 'Police Federation' in the Google Podcasts app on Android, or in the Podcasts app on Apple devices
  • Subscribe today by copying the URL from the address bar here into the podcast app of your choice

    Want to feature in a future episode?
    If you would like to get involved or have a topic you would like to hear covered get in touch at podcast@polfed.org.


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