Police Federation

Statement in response to Essex Police PCSO and allowances cuts

Essex Police has revealed plans to make all 99 of its PCSOs redundant in an effort to balance its budget.

29 January 2025


This shortfall in the Government Police Funding Settlement means the service, pending consultation, will have to take urgent action including:

  • Losing all (99) Police Community Support Officers roles (PCSOs),
  • Reducing staff numbers by around 65,
  • Stopping all non-critical building and technology projects,
  • Slashing the Southeast Allowance and removing the Detective Allowance so every officer will face a reduction in pay.

Police Federation of England and Wales Acting National Chair Tiff Lynch said: “The announcement by Essex Police of savage cuts landing directly in the pay packet of underpaid police officers and the intention to add to already unsustainable workloads by making all the force’s PCSOs redundant is a recipe for catastrophe and raises grave concern for public safety and for the wellbeing of officers across England and Wales if other forces follow.

"I fear we are about to see a domino effect of other forces finding cuts by targeting rank and file officers and the effect on morale, the numbers of dedicated officers who see no financial sense in staying in the job and the ability to recruit is stark.

"This is utterly unsustainable and will mean police officers taking more risk for less money when their pay packet today is already worth a fifth less than in 2009.”

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